Sizzle Reels

edtech & elearning · Mobile & Web App

Over the years I have worked on many sizzle reels & for a coding lesson for Tynker.

More Videos

Employee Healthier Living - Created vector assets, edited, animated in After Effects.

Wellpoint Castlight - Captured footage, edited, animated in After Effects.

Tynker for Fun - Captured footage, edited, animated in After Effects.

Agent Recall - Gathered and edited footage, crafted with Final Cut Pro.

Gears of Time - Edited footage gathered, refined with Final Cut Pro.

Training Day - Edited gathered footage, polished using Final Cut Pro.

Coding Cup - Captured and edited, themed for FIFA 2023 excitement.

Tynker On The Go - Outsourced editing, refined and resized for Tynker.

Tynker Junior - Gathered, edited, and produced with After Effects.

The Client


Tynker is an educational platform that teaches coding to kids through interactive games and activities, making learning programming fun and engaging. With Tynker, children can develop essential STEM skills while exploring their creativity in a familiar gaming environment.

The Project

Crafting the Mythicraft sizzle reel was a comprehensive project that drew upon my diverse skill set. I ventured into the virtual landscapes of Minecraft to capture in-game footage showcasing Tynker's interactive coding lessons. Alongside this, I curated audio elements to enhance the storytelling experience, ensuring a seamless fusion of visuals and sound.

Additionally, I employed my artistic talents to design and illustrate custom graphics that adorned the sizzle reel. Each frame was crafted with intricate details and vibrant colors, inviting viewers to explore the work I've done on the Mythicraft sizzle reel.

What I Delivered

  • Over 1 Million Views
  • Mythicraft Brand Awareness
  • Sizzle Reel
  • Strong Marketing Asset

My Services

  • Mincraft Footage Capture
  • Audio Gathering
  • Storyboarding
  • Vector Illustrations

What truly sets Yoshi apart is his commitment to excellence and his ability to thrive in fast-paced environments. His creativity, and meticulous attention to detail were consistently reflected in the high-quality work he produced.

Erik Voigt

Art Director, Tynker

Erik Voigt

Thank you for your time and consideration.

My Resume